Toddler Room #1
We hope everyone enjoyed Family Day. The cold weather seems to be lingering, so please continue to send all your snow attire daily. The children have loved the sled rides and getting to shovel and manipulate the snow. Hopefully spring is just around the corner .
We focused on colours and shapes for the month of February. The children are getting so good at naming a lot of the shapes and most of our 2 year old friends have mastered their colours. We will continue to label shapes and colours during our daily routines.
For the month of March, we are going to shift our focus to pets and a little bit of St. Patrick’s Day. If you could please send in a photo of your pets via the Remind app we would be happy to print them off. Talking about the favourite animals in our lives brings a little bit of home to our school. We will also discuss how to take care of these animals (ex. feeding, brushing, etc.). We will also be adding some stuffed animal pets to our dramatic play centre along with veterinary supplies.
Please make sure to wear your green, gold, or shamrocks on Monday, March 17th for our St. Patty’s Day celebration.
Just a reminder Story Book Early Learning Centre will be closed Friday, April 18th for Good Friday and Monday, April 21st for Easter Monday. Enjoy
Toddler Room #2
March is here and soon we will know if the groundhogs’ predictions were true. I know our toddlers are hoping for “sunny days” and so are we!
We had so much fun in February talking about, love, family, and kindness. We put up a family tree and added picture of the children and their families. They are so proud of their pictures and love to show them off to everyone. One of our favourite songs during our interest in families was the finger family song. Ask your toddler if they can sing it for you!
We hope that March brings better days weather wise. We still want to remind all our families to please send proper clothing according to the weather. You are welcome to leave your child’s winter gear in their cubbies with their names clearly labelled. We also ask that stuffed animals, toys, art supplies, etc. are left at home and not brought into the classroom for drop off.
At the end of February, we saw an interest in dinosaurs emerging. We made dinosaur foot prints, played dinosaur guessing games, danced with dinosaurs, and explored size (big and small) by comparing different sized dinosaurs. We added dinosaur puzzles and toys to our shelf and even played with some dinosaur masks.
With St. Patrick’s Day coming up we encourage you to dress your child in green on Monday, March 17th!