Toddler 1 & 2

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Toddler Room #1 News

November 2018


A great big thank you to all of you that were able to make it out to our Open House last month. It was a huge success and it wouldn’t have been without all of you who came dressed up and ready for the fun! The children came in all sorts of creative and exciting costumes and were able to explore and trick-or-treat to each classroom.

The children in our room learned and experienced a lot about Fall and Halloween last month. We talked about the leaves changing colours and falling off the trees. We practiced raking leaves, carved pumpkins, and so much more. The children really enjoyed talking about Halloween and the different characters associated with it. We can hardly wait to see where the children’s interest will lead us this month.

Please remember that we are outside with the children twice a day for an hour each time, so your child will need a warm coat, a hat and mittens. Also, to help prevent these items from getting misplaced please be sure to label them with your child’s name.




Toddler Room #2

November 2018


Happy November! We hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. Cooler weather is here! Please keep in mind when dressing your child that we do go outside in the morning and afternoon for 60 minutes. The children have the most fun and the best learning experiences when they are warm and comfortable.

Open House was a huge success. We would like to thank all the families for dressing up and coming out to “Trick-or-Treat.”  It was wonderful to see all the costumes and talk with all the families.

Here in the Toddler Room #2 class we have been discussing the Fall season, along with the Thanksgiving, Halloween, colours, and all the activities this season brings. The children have been showing an interest in creating structures such as houses and garages for the cars in our room. They like to build beds for the dolls too.