School Age News

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Happy March! We are ready to welcome spring with open arms. In February we focused on friendship and families as we celebrated Valentine’s Day and Family Day. We enjoyed participating in various friendship activities, artwork, and games.

Recently, the children have taken an interest in conducting different experiments such as “Fishing for Ice” and the “Hot and Cold challenge.” In our Fishing for Ice challenge, we gathered a bin and filled it to the top with cold water. Then, we used yarn as our fishing line and laid it on top of an ice cube. After placing our fishing line, we poured different amounts of salt onto the ice cube to test if we could successfully lift them out of the bin. For our Hot and Cold challenge, we used two separate bins with hot water and ice cold water. We then placed a bottle in each of the bins with an inflatable glove tied to the top of the bottle. We waited for exactly one minute to see which bin would inflate the glove…. The winner was the hot bin! Through our observations we noticed that the hot water inflated the glove, and the cold water deflated the glove.

As it is fast approaching, we just wanted to remind our families that March break is March 10-14th. We are excited to spend a full week together during March break and can’t wait to see what fun things we come up with.