School Age News

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July is here and so are full days of latchkey! We cannot wait to spend our summer exploring, learning, and having fun together.

We are still very interested in science experiments and learning about how things are made. We investigated the difference between explorers and inventors. We watched videos, read books, and researched both occupations. We also took a class survey before doing our research, where we asked the class if they would rather be an explorer or inventor. Most of the class chose explorer, but after our research the result of our survey changed! We discovered that explorers have a higher chance of injury, danger, and unpredictably in their job, while inventors experience a lot of trial and error. We hope to continue doing experiments and exploring the world of S.T.E.M (Science Technology Engineering and Math) and S.T.E.A.M (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math) throughout the summer.

Please send your child with a lunch, snacks, and a refillable water bottle daily. We ask that you also send sunscreen, a hat, and running shoes with your child. We hope to take advantage of the wonderful parks nearby and will need those items to ensure we get there safely.

Our summer calendar will be posted on the bulletin board as well as being sent out to each family. We are looking forward to all of the fun days and memories we will make this summer. Please let us know as soon as possible if or when you are planning on taking your child out of care for vacation during the summer. Thank you!