Preschool Room #2 News

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We can’t believe summer is coming to an end. Hopefully Mother Nature doesn’t hear that it’s already September and continues to bring us beautiful weather.

It’s time to say good bye to some of our older friends that are moving on to Kindergarten. The teachers at Story Book watched most of you grow from infants and even though it is sad to see you all go, we are excited for you as you head on to your next adventure. We are so proud of you all and we know that you will all thrive in big school.

We have had so much fun this last month in our room. We learned about ocean animals. This led the children’s interest to different categories of animals such as safari, jungle, and rainforest animals. The children took this new information and added it into their play by pretending to go and help all these animals. Based on this interest, we changed our dramatic play to an “Animal Rescue Center”. The children got to take care of animals, learn about different habitats, diets, and survival skills.

We have had lots of fun with our special activities such as making pretzels, obstacle courses and especially Carnival Day where we got to play games, have ice cream, and got our faces painted.

“You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” -Winnie the Pooh