Preschool Room #1 & #2

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Preschool Room # 1 

Where did September go? We are already starting to see signs of fall. The children have been collecting leaves and bringing them inside to bring home ( sorry  ).

We haven’t seen the cooler weather yet, but it is sure to come. Please check your child’s cubby to ensure that the extra clothes they have are appropriate for the weather.

We are having a great start to our new school year. Our new classmates and our new Teachers are adjusting well. Having our friends/siblings that just went to JK playing outside our window is fun for us as well, they all like to come and say HI  .

We are working on self-help skills in Preschool 1. This includes encouraging the children to put on their own shoes, pull up their own pants and put on their own coats using the ‘flip method’. We also encourage putting toys/puzzles away when they’re finished playing with them. They are very good at trying and it fosters independence. They are so happy when they have accomplished a task.

We would like to invite everyone our Open House that will take place on Monday, October 28th from 6:00 -7:00 pm. Please join us for a Halloween themed evening where the children are able to trick or treat from classroom to classroom. Costumes are encouraged but not required.

Just a reminder that Story Book will be closed on Monday, October 14th for Thanksgiving. Enjoy!


Preschool Room #2

Our room is in full swing with all our new faces and new interests.  We changed our dramatic centre into a kitchen with some babies. The children have been creating many of their favourite meals in their pretend play such as pizza. Some of the children have pretended to go on picnics, work at McDonalds, host a party and even pretended they were teachers in the infant room.  We can’t wait to see what role playing will come next.

In just the last week, some children have been experiencing some fun fall activities with their families and have been very excited to share their stories with all of us. This has sparked a huge interest in fall activities. The

children have been noticing some of the leaves turning colours, birds flying in a “V” and there has been some discussions about apples.  We have been supporting these interests during our activities such as making leaf prints, sorting leaves and discussing migration. We are excited to continue our discovery about the world around us as our seasons change.

The children also have been talking a lot about their favourite stuffy/toys at home. Some children even sent pictures of their toys on the Remind app and love coming to school to show their friends and tell them all about the adventures they have with their stuffy. We are asking if everyone can send a picture of their favourite stuffed animal so we can make a “Stuffy Wall of Fame”.

We would like to invite everyone our Open House that will take place on Monday, October 28th from 6:00 -7:00 pm. Please join us for a Halloween themed evening where the children are able to trick or treat from classroom to classroom. Costumes are encouraged but not required.

Just a reminder that Story Book will be closed on Monday,  October 14th for Thanksgiving. Enjoy!

“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning” – Fred Rogers