Infant Room #1
It’s hard to believe it’s March already. We hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Family Day. During the month of February, we spent lots of time reading and singing about Valentine’s Day and our families. We thank everyone for sending in family photos. The infants love looking and pointing at them throughout the day.
This month we plan to talk about farm animals and the sounds they make. We will also celebrate St Patrick’s Day with stories, songs, and lots of green. Please dress your little leprechauns in green on Monday, March 17th.
Welcome to our new families. We look forward to getting to know your little ones and watching them grow.
Just a reminder that March Break is March 10th to the 14th. Please let staff know if your children will not attend any of their regular days.
Infant Room #2
We can’t believe the winter we are having this year! With the first day of spring coming at the end of the month we hope it brings warmer weather. We were not able to get out as much as we would have liked due to the freezing temperatures, but the infants enjoyed watching the snow through the window. Just a reminder that we do take the steady walkers out in the yard to play so we ask that you please send them with boots/shoes.
Animals have been a popular topic of interest recently. We added a large number of new animal themed books to our book shelf and the infants have spent so much time looking through them and trying to make the sounds of the animals. Elephant sounds have been one of their favourites and they’ve been trying their best to mimic the sound . We also changed our display board on the carpet into an aquarium, filled with all different fish, sea turtles, and coral.
Don’t forget to wear your green for St. Patrick’s Day on Monday the 17th! We will also be making fun St. Patrick’s themed crafts leading up to the day.