Preschool Room # 2
The children saw their first robin this month. He was perched on a tree on the playground and we actually heard him before we saw him. Spring has finally arrived. It is too early to talk about the signs of … Continued
The children saw their first robin this month. He was perched on a tree on the playground and we actually heard him before we saw him. Spring has finally arrived. It is too early to talk about the signs of … Continued
The children enjoyed cheering for Canada last month during the Olympics. We graphed medals and participated in many race and relay events outdoors. It was amazing to see how interested and knowledgeable the children were about the Olympic events. … Continued
School Age #1 They say that April showers bring May flowers, but we’re hoping that the upcoming month doesn’t bring too much rain! We’re looking forward to spending more time outdoors as the weather warms up. Many of us have … Continued