Toddler Room News

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March is here and hopefully it brings spring like weather with it. Recently the toddlers have been interested in mirrors and other objects that they can see their reflection in. They have been enjoying seeing their friend’s reflections as well. … Continued

Preschool Room #1 News

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March is here already and along with March comes spring break for many. If there are any changes to your child’s schedule for the March break, please let the staff know. For anyone with special plans for the break, we … Continued

Preschool Room #2 News

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The children were looking for dinosaur tracks on the playground. They noticed cracks in the cement. They wondered if the cracks were made by a T-Rex. This sparked an interest in dinosaurs. We measured the actual size of a T-Rex … Continued

Kindergarten News

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Last month the children spent most of the time talking about Valentine’s. We wrote letters to our special friends and learned how to spell H -E- A-R- T to the tune of “Bingo”. The children looked festive dressed in red, … Continued

School Age News

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School Age #1 News With the new month upon us, there has been some speculation, amongst our crew, as to whether March will come in like a “Lion”, or a “Lamb”.  Stay tuned, as we will be paying close attention … Continued


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February 2018 Infant Room   Welcome to February. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can get outside a little more. This month we will be busy with crafts, sensory activities, and play, based on your baby’s interest and needs. … Continued


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February 2018 Toddler Room News   Welcome February! What a cold, cold month January has been. Due to the freezing temperatures, we were unable to get outside many of the days, but that did not stop us from exploring the … Continued

Preschool #1

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Preschool Room # 1 February 2018   Wow! Where has January gone? It seemed to have come, brought a mixture of really cold days and some warmer days and then left. Although we were stuck inside for the really cold … Continued

Preschool #2

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February 2018 Preschool Room # 2 News   January was a busy month, full of fun activities in dramatic play. We began the month with an ice skating rink. A tarp was used for the ice and we watched the … Continued


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Kindergarten News February 2018   Last month our Kindergarten friends showed a great interest in owls. The children enjoyed learning about the different species of owls, when they are awake and what type of food they eat. We built owl … Continued