Preschool Room #1 News
As summer comes to an end (why did it have to go by so fast???), we hope that everyone has had a chance to enjoy the warm weather. We have heard about so many different types of vacations. The children … Continued
As summer comes to an end (why did it have to go by so fast???), we hope that everyone has had a chance to enjoy the warm weather. We have heard about so many different types of vacations. The children … Continued
We can’t believe summer is coming to an end. Hopefully Mother Nature doesn’t hear that it’s already September and continues to bring us beautiful weather. It’s time to say good bye to some of our older friends that are moving … Continued
It’s hard to believe that our summer fun has come to an end! Here in the Kindergarten Room, we certainly packed a lot of action into the past couple of months! An absolute favourite was diving deep into the ocean (darkened … Continued
Welcome back to school! We loved hearing about all our friends’ vacations to other places in the world and some even in our own backyards. We hope you all enjoyed your summer and can’t wait to begin this new school … Continued
The children have been loving the summer weather. We spend the majority of our day outside playing on the slide, riding bikes, and going for walks. While outside we try and keep cool by playing at the water table and … Continued
Toddler Room #1 August already! We are hoping summer slows down just a little. I’m sure all of you are enjoying summer just as much as we are. We have been having so much fun learning all about nutrition. The … Continued
Preschool Room #1 This summer is really flying by with all the fun that was had. This past month the children were all very excited to talk about the Essex Fun Fest. They talked about driving by and seeing the … Continued
It’s graduation month! We can hardly believe August is already here. We have been so lucky to have you all be a part of the Story Book Early Learning Centre family. We will miss you and your children so dearly. … Continued
The month of July proved to be a busy action packed month full of special dress up days, exciting outings, and indoor/outdoor fun & games. But our fun has just gotten started as we have another entire month of theme days, special treats … Continued
Welcome to our fun filled School Age Summer Program! Our Summer started off with colour week, we learned how to mix and create new colours everyday and had colour competitions with the staff and students throughout the week. Next, we dived … Continued