Preschool #1
January 2020 Preschool Room #1 We’re going on a shape hunt what will we see? Can you find a triangle? Come and look with me. Welcome back! We hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. The children have been excited to … Continued
January 2020 Preschool Room #1 We’re going on a shape hunt what will we see? Can you find a triangle? Come and look with me. Welcome back! We hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. The children have been excited to … Continued
January 2020 Preschool Room #2 Welcome back to all our families and Happy New Year! Let’s take a glance at the month of December. We had a lot of excitement as we got closer to Christmas break. The children … Continued
KINDERGARTEN NEWS January 2020 The popular saying goes something like this . . . “All good things must come to an end.” And, in reference to our 2019 year in the Kindergarten room, this may indeed be true. The … Continued
January 2020 School-age #1 Welcome 2020! January is the time to celebrate our dreams, explore new opportunities, count our blessings and focus on achieving whatever we put our minds to. This year we are promoting the importance of … Continued
Toddler Room #1 November 2019 We hope everyone had a fun Halloween! We enjoyed being able to see the children dressed in their Halloween costumes at our annual Open House. Thank you to all who attended, and we hope … Continued
Preschool #1 News November 2019 Autumn leaves are just beginning to change colours and soon they will cover the ground. We have spent several weeks learning about the Fall season and looking for all the different signs that tell … Continued
November 2019 Preschool Room #2 October was filled with many wonderful opportunities for our preschoolers to investigate, role play and use their imagination. They have investigated a variety of pumpkins, acted out little finger plays during circle, and used … Continued
School Age #1 Newsletter November 2019 “The nights are drawing in and the air is getting cold. The sunsets are changing from yellow to gold. The hedgehogs are preparing for their long winter’s sleep, whilst squirrels are busy … Continued
Infant Room We have been enjoying some beautiful weather, with a few rain days as well; but as the saying goes “April showers bring May flowers.” We look forward to seeing these beautiful colours emerge. Our walks around the … Continued