School Age Rooms 1&2
School-Age #1 It’s time to celebrate May! May is one of the most gorgeous months of the year. All winter long we’ve been hibernating from the cold and waiting for the sun to come out from behind the clouds. The … Continued
School-Age #1 It’s time to celebrate May! May is one of the most gorgeous months of the year. All winter long we’ve been hibernating from the cold and waiting for the sun to come out from behind the clouds. The … Continued
Infant Room Welcome Spring! We love seeing the sun. We usually enjoy our walks around Saddlers Pond, where we see dogs, squirrels, geese, turtles and many signs of spring. During March, we wore hats and raised money for … Continued
Toddler Room #1 This past month our children have explored their senses, transportation and identifying letters. The children loved learning about their five senses through art exploration, sensory activities and fun circle time songs. The children absolutely loved playing … Continued
Preschool #1 News I see robins, I see birds’ nests Butterflies too, flowers too Everything is growing The wind is gently blowing Spring is here, spring is here. Over the last couple of weeks, the children have enjoyed playing dress … Continued
Preschool #2 The children had an interest in the world map and traveling to other places, so we decided to introduce them to different cultures and talk about diversity. The children used a variety of interesting materials to … Continued
Kindergarten News March passed by us, in a flurry of activity! We tracked the weather, each day to determine if the myth behind the “lion and the lamb “was really true…. we believe that it was! We spent our … Continued
School Age #1 “Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a good joke? …it might crack up!” Spring has sprung and sunny days have begun! This month we are excited to explore signs of spring and are eager … Continued
Green Room March 2019 Wake up flowers, wake up bears Wake up weeds, wake up bees, Wake up frogs, wake up Spring, Wake up seeds, won’t you please! We are eagerly waiting for Spring! We can’t wait to get … Continued