Preschool Room #3

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During the month of February, we started letter of the day. Each day during circle we discuss a different letter. We learn what the capital and lower case looks like, the sound it makes, and the jolly phonics song to help us remember. We also see if any of our friends’ names start with that letter and work together to think of other words that start with that letter. After rest time the letter of the day is printed out for the children to decorate and trace along with the children’s names. The preschoolers look forward to seeing what the letter of the day is and ask each morning when they arrive. They are especially excited when it is the letter their name starts with. This routine is just one of the many ways we have been working on kindergarten readiness skills.

Our dramatic play centre was changed into a beauty salon. After rest time the preschoolers enjoy requesting different hairstyles for the teachers to do. The most popular are the Elsa braid, Anna braids, Rapunzel hair and spikes. This interest really took off when the preschoolers started pretending to do each other’s hair and makeup using different toys around the room. The beauty salon was then created to allow this interest to flourish.

In the month of February, we worked hard on creating valentine gifts for our families. We hope you enjoyed them as the children were so excited to give them to you. Along with celebrating Valentines Day we had several birthdays and special days we participated in. The month of March is just as full of fun! We love to find unique Canadian and International holidays on Some of these include wearing our St. Patrick’s Day accessories on the 17th, rocking our crazy socks for World Down Syndrome Day, wearing green and blue for Earth Day, and more. Make sure to look out for our March calendar to see what those other surprises are.