Preschool Room #1 & #2 News

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Preschool Room #1 

March is here and we are interested in seeing if our groundhog friend is right and we get to enjoy an early spring. Everyone had so much fun during our Valentine’s Day celebration handing out their special treats to friends. They continued to talk about love and Valentine’s Day for the remainder of the month.  We have had a wonderful time playing in the snow when it’s not too icy and we are able to get out. The children really enjoyed going down the hill on the sleds, collecting ice chunks and scooping snow with little shovels into buckets.

The children in our room have been talking a lot about colours and shapes. We have been exploring these topics during small and large group time. The children have enjoyed looking around their environment to identify the names of shapes and colours around them.

Recently the children have been retelling familiar stories such as the 3 Little Pigs and Going on a Bear Hunt. We will be exploring this interest more in the next couple of weeks.

Just a reminder that March Break is the week of March 10th. If your child’s attendance changes this week, please let us know.
Monday, March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day, help us celebrate by dressing your little leprechauns in green.

Preschool Room #2

As we begin the month of March we will see if our ground hog friend has predicted correctly about an early spring. Although we have enjoyed sledding around our play yard and making snow angels and snowmen, warmer weather is eagerly awaited.

The children enjoyed learning about Valentine’s Day this past February and especially enjoyed spreading love to their friends by handing out valentines at large group.

Lately the children have shown an interest in letters. Many of the children have been challenging themselves by finding the letter of their name in books as well as around the room. Many children have been working hard at printing “their” letters as well as the familiar letters of their friend’s names. We are expanding on this interest with many activities, such as “Letter of the Day.” Stay tuned to the Remind App for what letter we talked about each day and the activities we did so you can do them at home too.

We are also excited to be continuing our science interest. The children have been loving our science experiments during large group as well as exploring and expanding with slime, microscopes, dinosaur bones, and much more at the Science centre.

Just a reminder March break is coming up (March 10- March 14). Please let us know if there are any changes to your children’s schedule for that week if you haven’t already.
St. Patrick’s Day is Monday, March 17, please send your little leprechauns to school in green that day.
“SCIENCE is about the miracle of the mundane — and children can appreciate this best. Every child is a SCIENTIST!”
~Susan Bosak