Toddler Room #1 & #2 News

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Toddler Room #1 

Welcome Fall! This month we look forward to Thanksgiving, Fall and Halloween. We would like to invite everyone our Open House that will take place on Monday October 28th from 6:00 -7:00 pm. Please join us for a Halloween themed evening where the children can trick or treat from classroom to classroom. Costumes are encouraged but not required.  We will also celebrate Halloween by wearing black and orange on Thursday, October 31st. What a fun month!

The month of September we talked about farm and farm animals. We cleaned baby farm animals with soap and water, sheared sheep, fed the animals with corn, helped save farm animals tangled in yarn, and learned new songs and finger plays about our barnyard friends.

Our new little friends are settling in nicely. Learning our daily routines and even participating during large group time. We say good bye again this month to a few of our older friends moving up. We will miss you but know how ready you are for this next learning adventure.

Just a reminder that we will be closed Monday, October 14th for Thanksgiving. We wish everyone a very happy holiday.

With the cool weather coming please remember to send your child a jacket. Please make sure your child’s spare clothes in their cubby are weather appropriate with the change of season. Thanks

Toddler Room #2

We’d like to welcome all our new friends and families to Toddler #2. We look forward to getting to know you and your little ones. You may have noticed some staffing changes in our room, we want to welcome Miss. Courtney to our T2 family and wish Miss. Kennedy good luck, we will miss you! You won’t have to look far to say hi, as you can find her down the hall Infant #2.

Our toddlers have been so excited to tell us all about their families, we are hoping to put together a classroom family tree featuring the children’s family photos. If you haven’t yet sent in a photo and would like to you can do so either through the Remind app or bring in a physical copy.

Extending on our interest in families we began talking about our family pets. The children were so excited to tell us all about them. We asked our families to send in photos of their pet(s) so we could display them in the classroom. When the toddlers noticed the picture of their pets on the windows, they couldn’t wait to show them off. Some of our friends spent their play time playing next to their pets’ pictures and other friends sat and showed them pictures from their books. We talked a lot about being gentle and caring for our pets. We also incorporated the doctor tools into our dramatic play centre to further extend our interest in caring for their pets. The children loved giving the pets “check ups” using the stethoscope, thermometer, bandages and medicine to make their animals feel better. We can’t wait to explore our newest interest; farm animals.

With lots of younger friends moving up from the infant rooms we decided to focus a lot of our time in September on learning our colours. We have done lots of activities practicing identifying and matching colours. A class favourite was the dinosaur egg match, each child got a coloured dinosaur. They then had to look around the classroom for the matching egg. We had so much fun searching high and low.

We will be focusing on self help skills throughout the year, including using a fork or spoon at meal times, taking shoes off and learning how to put them back on, tidying toys and soon we will start practicing putting on our coats. We encourage you to practice these skills at home with your child!

Fall is officially here! With the colder weather approaching we ask that you please send your child with either a sweater or jacket for outside. It is also a great time to go through your child’s spare clothes and swap them out for more weather appropriate ones!

As Halloween falls on a Thursday this year, we will be able to celebrate with your little ones. We ask that you leave your costumes at home, as it can be scary for some friends, and instead dress in orange and black. However, we will be having a Halloween Open House on October 28th from 6:00-7:00pm and costumes are encouraged! Stay tuned for more updates, we hope to see you there!

Reminder: Story Book ELC will be closed Monday, October 14th for Thanksgiving. We hope you enjoy your holiday!