School Age News

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Welcome to our fun filled School Age Summer Program!

Our Summer started off with colour week, we learned how to mix and create new colours everyday and had colour competitions with the staff and students throughout the week. Next, we dived on into Inventor week we started off by learning about different inventors and what they’ve created. We watched videos, and brainstormed ideas on how we could invent our own creations . This led to our float a boat competition, we got into groups and began working on our boat blueprints . We had to take into consideration weight limits , materials available and time constrictions.  During our construction sessions our groups created their boats with recycled materials, popsicle sticks and crafting supplies. The competition began with three tests; could the boat float for 10 seconds , could it withstand the weight of two toonies and could their boat travel the furthest in the time limit given.

After or inventions we transitioned into superhero week , we created our own super hero masks and dressed up as our favourite hero or villain. During this week we also had the chance to have our water day with the fire department. Everyone had a blast running under the water from the firehose and we created a huge mud pile! We played tag and were slipping and sliding all over the field trying to tag our friends.

Our next week started off with a bang as we did holiday week in July. Each day we celebrated a different holiday: St Patrick’s Day, Easter, Valentines and Christmas. Our classroom was decorated each day according to the holiday theme and games were made to suit each holiday. Finally, we participated in our Olympics week theme. Throughout the week we followed the Olympics from the opening ceremonies to closing. We created our own version of the Olympics outdoor and made our own medals to handout to everyone participating in the activities.

We cannot wait to see what the rest of our fun filled schedule brings!

Please let us know of any days your child will be out for vacation ASAP. Just a reminder we are closed on August 5th for the civic holiday.