School Age News

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“The first day of school,

not sure what’s in store

A brand new teacher

And a whole lot more


Making new friends

And seeing old ones too

What will we learn?

I haven’t a clue


Will we learn about animals?

Or outer space?

Will we learn to be writers?

Or in gym will we race?


I have so many questions

About how this year will be

A brand new adventure

Well just have to wait and see”    ~ Author unknown


Hello September and welcome back to school! This year our students are hoping Covid isn’t in our vocabulary; We hope to enjoy a full school year filled with friends, laughter, and in-class learning.

During large group time, our students often express their feelings about this new school year, new grade, and teacher. Most of the children are sad to see the summer go, but can’t wait to see all their friends, learn new things and “get older”. One of the most common interests our children have been discussing is growing up and becoming independent. Many of our students have discussed with us ways that they can show they are mature and responsible by doing things at home such as chores and helping their families anyway they can.

Here in school age, we have been explaining to our youth the importance of living in every moment. Enjoying each stage while embracing the everyday; and this summer we amplified that. We had such a beautiful summer filled with so many new experiences to Story Book such as: Mad Science, Zoo to You and new themed filled ‘weeks of wonder’, emergent interests, and inquiry.

As we approach the first weeks of a new school year, we will be starting a new adventure with Mrs.Brei. A lovely new teacher who brings with her: experience, new ideas and a super bubbly personality. She will be a new face and great addition to our latchkey team as we say goodbye to Mrs. Mandy, only for a year. Mandy will soon be celebrating the arrival of her baby boy.

“I will miss all my munchkins and their families very much! To my school agers , while I am away, make sure you stay true to yourself, be confident, make good decisions and most importantly always chose kindness and you will have a phenomenal year. I wish you the best of luck throughout this upcoming school year and I cannot wait to introduce you to my little one.”

Love always Mrs. Mandy xoxox