Toddler Room News

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Toddler Room #1 News

The third month of the year is already beginning! Can you believe how the time is passing by?

February was a busy month full of hands-on activities for the children. As the snow was too deep for our toddlers to go outside safely, we brought the snow indoors for some sensory play. While engaging in this activity we focused on our senses and language development.

This month we will expand on our five senses. We will be actively engaging the children in our activities that will involve sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Children learn best when they are actively involved rather than just instructed.

We have a lot of exciting things happening in March. The main one is the near completion of our brand-new centre. A lot of preparation and work goes into such a big move. We are all beyond thrilled for this new beginning.

Reminder, March break has been postponed until April 12 – 16.


Toddler Room #2 News

What a quick month February was. We had a lot of fun discussing Winter, families, friendship and of course Valentine’s Day.

As we move into March, we will be talking about nursery rhymes, St. Patrick’s Day  and then see where the child led topics go. Believe it or not, we will see the first day of spring too!

We have had friends move up to the preschool room. That means we have also welcomed new little friends to our room. This keeps our days fun and entertaining getting to know all the new personalities.

Reminder to wear green Wednesday March 17th for St. Patrick’s Day.