January 2020
Preschool Room #1
We’re going on a shape hunt what will we see?
Can you find a triangle?
Come and look with me.
back! We hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. The children have been excited to
tell us all about what Santa left for them.
In the month of December, the children showed an interest in shapes. We drew shapes on the chalk board, and they had fun outlining the different shapes with magnets. To expand on their interest, we have brought in different shape puzzles, blocks, and books. We have also added different shape matching activities to our tabletop games.
children are getting better at getting their winter gear on. We have been
encouraging self help skills to enhance their independence. Please remember to
label tour child’s winter belongings to prevent any mix ups.
forward in January we will continue to expand on the children’s growing
interests and are very excited to see where it takes us!
Thank you so much to all our families who helped contribute to the Salvation Army toy/can drive. Our staff also raised $700.00 by donating money to wear jeans on Fridays. We donated this money to the Essex Food Bank and to the Salvation Army.